If you are looking to get into conferencing then you will have probably been suggested to go with an option that has ‘limited conferencing rights’. However, that is poor advice. Instead you will want to opt for a company which offers unlimited conferencing rights, and I am going to explain exactly why that is the case.

Keep Control of Your Budget

This is perhaps the biggest reason why you should be searching for a webinar host with unlimited conferencing rights. This is because you know exactly what is going to be leaving your company’s bank account each and every month. There will be nothing unexpected leaving, so you know exactly how much you need to generate from your webinar each and every time. There will be no overage fees, which is incredibly useful. Those web conferencing services that do have overage fees end up costing a LOT of money in the long run.

You can run Webinars whenever you want

This is another of the huge benefits of having a webinar host which gives you unlimited conferencing rights. As an online business, your clients are likely to be all over the world. As a result, you will be dealing with clients in different time zones. Not all of them will be able to turn up to your webinar, and thus you will want to schedule additional ones. With a webinar host that allows you to do this with unlimited conference rights it is a breeze, and it won’t cost you any additional money!

Oversubscribed Webinar?

If you are running a popular webinar then there is a massive chance that you will become oversubscribed. Now you have two options here, you can either turn people away or simply say you cannot accommodate them, or you can run a webinar at a later date for all of the people that can’t understand. As a result you retain customer satisfaction, and increase the amount of revenue that you are going to generate as a result.

Multiple Webinars During a Month?

Many companies who use webinars start to notice the benefits that they can bring to a company pretty quickly. As a result they tend to run a lot of webinars throughout the month. If you purchase webinar ‘packages’ separately, the cost can quickly add up. However, if you have a package with unlimited conferencing rights, you will find that the costs are stable (tying into the first point) and thus you can cut down on the overall costs for your business.

Customer Support

Many companies use webinar hosts for their customer support as it provides a great way to interact with your customer. With screen sharing capabilities it is much more effective than text or phone chat. You wouldn’t be able to have this feature with anything other than unlimited conferencing rights. Therefore your host will benefit both you and your customer in the long term.

As you can see, it is incredibly important that you find a web host that offers unlimited conferencing rights. It will benefit your company in a big way.