In this article we will try to bring you closer 3 most popular operating systems on phones and tablets, and try to help you to answer on your question which one operating system to choose. All three operating systems are very very safe, easy to use and navigate through their menus and all are functional, but in the other hand they are very very different. You will need to choose which one OS suits to you, and after that you will need to choose which one model of phone running on your favorite OS to choose. You can view and read reviews of 4G Phones on 4Gtouch site.

iOS Operating System Review & Features

Apple iOS is most popular operating system for mobile devices, maybe it is because it is the oldest OS on the market. But is it best OS on the market? We thing that iOs is not the greatest operating system. But, let start with good things about Apple operating system. iOS is good and stable, well optimized and reliable, and of course very safe, but too safe. Good thing is that there is over 500 000 available in the Apple store for iOS users, and that is best advantage of this OS. Lets talk about iOS bad things. All users complain on iOS because it is too much locked and too much secured, and probably 80% of users jailbreaks their devices. First iPhone was greatest phone on the market because it had first capacitive touch screen on the market and great performances that any other phone did not have. Latest Apple phone called iPhone 4S was disappointed to Apple lovers, because design of the phone was the same as on iPhone 4, and performances were not improved. But after all, Apple manufacture great, firm and with good performances and great built-in batteries, but iOS is not that special, except it is optimized for iDevices.

Android  Operating System Review & Features

Many new and modern phones and tablets running on Android OS because manufacturers recognized quality and simplicity.  Android OS is optimized for all performances and all types of smartphones or tablet PCs, but only bad thing is that new versions of Android OS, in this case Android 4 supports only new and powerful phones with high performances. Android market has approximately the same number of applications as Apple store has. Good things about Android it that you can choose between many models of phones and tablets running on it. Android operating system will probably beat iOS and will come to number one position in 2012. After all, Android is quality OS, it is also very safe but it not reliable as iOS.

Windows Phone 7  Operating System Review & Features

Microsoft Windows Phone 7 platform is easy to use and it is simpler than Android and iOS, but it is quite good. It is not safe like these too operating system, but safety is on enviable level. There are much more devices running on WP 7 OS than on iOS, but less than on Android OS. WP 7 is nice looking and simple to use OS, it has main screen with blocks for easier navigation, and secondary with all other apps and functions. Only bad thing for advanced users will be lack of applications, because currently there is about 200 000 applications at Windows Phone store, that is much more less than on Android Market or at Apple store. WP 7 as it name tell us, made for smartphones only. Next year, Windows 8 will be available for both phones and tablets, and we recommend you if you are planning to buy device that is running on Windows platform to apprehend until Windows 8 comes out.