As our computers get older, they are prone to become filled up with a lot of unnecessary things. You will probably notice that your computer becomes increasingly lethargic as a result. Many people at this point choose to reinstall their operating system, however that really isn’t necessary. With the optimization software I am going to list here, you will be able to tune your computer to run incredibly fast again, whilst clearing out all of that deadweight which is making it run poorly.

PC Optimizer

For me, this is the epitome of good quality software for cleaning your computer, whilst optimizing it for speed at the same time. There is just so much in this little package it can be a little overwhelming though, and the standard computer user won’t want to use everything. However, in this software you will be able to clear all of those junk files away from your computer, manage the programs that are running at start up (a real killer) and take control of memory management. On top of this you will also be able to carry out various tasks in the windows registry.


This is just a small software download, but the benefits it can bring to your computer are numerous. It can easily eradicate all of those files which you don’t want people’s prying eyes on, or because you simply find they are taking up too much space on your computer. In turn this is able to make speed boosts to your system, which ends all of that frustration.

PC Health Optimizer Free Edition

This software has 12 handy tools that you can use to boost the performance of your computer in ways that you never thought possible. Perhaps the biggest benefit of this software is that very few of the features are locked off, despite this being a free edition. Look forward to dealing with problems on your hard drive, in the computer memory and also in your registry.


This software is certainly not for an amateur, although if you know how to use it, it can certainly assist with the running of your computer in a massive way. From this software you will be able to look at the heat inside of your machine, and manipulate the fans to ensure you get high quality performance. Do not use this if you do not know what you are doing!


This is perhaps one of my most favorite pieces of software. When we are browsing online, we are most likely being constantly bombarded by all manners of spyware and other Trojans. A quick Adware scan will find these, and eliminate them. This is going to lead to a boost in computer or laptop performance.

ARO 2012

This is the ‘new kid on the block’ but it certainly packs a lot of punch. It detects errors in your system and helps you fix them. It only fixes the first 100 errors for free, but this should be more than enough for your computer. It is highly effective.

Wise Registry Cleaner

Up until I discovered Wise, I have never seen a decent registry cleaner. Now I cannot imagine a paid version that is better than this! Wise will clear up all of those registry errors, and thus give your computer a bit of a boost as a result.

You will only need a small selection of this software to give your computer a boost, in fact, just a couple of them should be suffice. Install these, and start to reap the benefits straight away!