Tablets and Smartphones are one of the most essential tools for businesses nowadays. It allows their workers to be productive outside of the office. The popularity of the Android Operating System has led to a plethora of Android Apps being released that a business can benefit from. For that reason it is often hard to target the ‘top applications’. In this article we are going to take a look at some of the most essential android applications for business.

Google Drive

This application allows you to access files that your company stores on the Google Cloud. It is without a doubt one of the most essential applications you can download as it allows important documents to be shared between employees, even if they are out of the office. There are so many uses for Google Drive it is unbelievable! We can’t live without Google :-)

Office Suite Pro 6

This software allows you to not only view documents created in the most popular Microsoft Office formats, but to also create documents. This is essential for a ‘businessman on the go’, whilst you won’t be jotting down epic essays, you will be able to make your notes on your commute to work (not whilst you are driving of course!)


You can probably tell straight away from the name what this application sets out to do. An essential application for people who need to plan ‘to do’ lists. It can be synced with your Google account, so you may even be able to share the tasks amongst employees. It really is incredibly useful.


Allow you to print to wireless printers without all the messing about with getting your documents and files onto a computer or laptop. It may seem a little pricey on the Android App store, but you will quickly realise that this is one of the most essential applications that you own.


This application is vital for the ‘traveling salesman’, again, you can probably guess from the name what it does. There are a number of ‘invoice generating’ applications on the Android Store, but in my opinion, this is one of the best.

SplashTop Remote Desktop HD

This application allows you to view the desktop on your computer whilst you are away from the office. You can interact with everything on your screen over Wi-Fi or 3G Networks, and it is oh so smooth. This application is perfect for carrying out tasks that your tablet or smartphone sadly isn’t capable of.


This is without a doubt ‘the essential’ application for businesses. It allows you to capture almost anything you want and sync it to the Evernote Cloud. This includes pictures, notes and audio. The best thing is that it will automatically be synced and you will be able to access this on all of your other devices including your laptop. Perfect for when you get a ‘brainwave’ on the go and want to make a note of it.


Skype is a fantastic application. It allows you to make cheap international calls, whether by video or voice via your smart device. If the other person has a Skype account then these calls will be free. One of the best features of Skype is that you can have a ‘geographic number’ even if you are not located in that area. This is great for giving your business a sense of ‘grandeur’.

WorldCard Mobile

I am willing to wager that you are given business cards on an almost daily basis. Isn’t it a lot of effort inputting that data into your contacts list? Of course it is, but with WorldCard Mobile you can just point your camera at the business card and it will automatically scan the data. Then, as if by magic, it will put this data into your contact list. Quick, easy, and the business card can now be used as a location for all manner of notes.


As you probably know, it is vital that you keep track of your businesses expenses. This allows you to track your spending and receipts via the cloud. Now you will instantly know if you are spending too much on your company!