Good news are coming for the Galaxy S2 phone owners, according to the official informations from Samsung, an official update to Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich will be available on middle of this month, precisely on the March 15th. This date applies only to owners of Samsung Galaxy S2 in Israel. Over 10 000 devices that were purchased in Israel will receive the official update in about 10 days, a few days after this update will be available for all users of the Samsung Galaxy S2 phone. Usually the first version of updates are placed on smaller markets like Israel, because it happens too often  that there is a minor or even major bugs in early versions of new operating systems. If you are from Israel, we recommend to you to wait a little more with updating your phone to avoid the destruction of the Android 4.0 operating system and make sure the version of the Android Ice Cream Sandwich is tested and safe to use. Tested update and with bug fixes will be probably be released in April for all  Samsung Galaxy S2 phones, so we recommend you to wait until than. If you can not wait any longer, make sure that you have created backup of your phone files and OS.

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