Nokia C3
Nokia C3 does not have very many applications installed, but has an excellent Organizer. With its help you can plan your time very easily, so you don’t miss any meeting, birthday or anniversary. You can see the events calendar for day, week or month.
You have at your disposal a stopwatch, an alarm clock, calculator, and applications for facebook chat for nokia c3. Your phone doesn’t have GPS, but you can use the Java version of Google Maps, the location making it according to the GSM antennas.
When you get bored of applications already installed by default, you can install other Java. One of the sources of applications is Ovi stores, from Nokia.
Nokia C3 model is ideal for people who want a phone for conversations via text messages or through Facebook and Twitter. QWERTY keyboard helps you write very fast. The specs are not impressive, but not everybody needs expensive phones and well equipped.