Nikon D3100 red
For the first time, Nikon launches its range in a DSLR housing model in another color than black.
The camera is a Nikon D3100 DSLR photographers for beginners. The new device will have the same characteristics as the original version D3100:
– 14.2 megapixel resolution
– The Guide
– Movies in Full HD
– Live View.
However, launching a model with a strong red casing will provide opportunity to those who are on the road beginning in photography to have a DSLR camera to be stylish and trendy without compromising on the quality image.
Nikon D3100 was very appreciated since the launch of shots that have tried for the first time a DSLR camera. Those who want to learn to photograph were found in a device that facilitates D3100 surprised by how amazing frameworks Guide, which is a real photo manual device menu.