Microsoft has officially released Windows 8The company has appointed a new version of Windows “envision”, which will run on all types of devices, from small gadgets with touch screens to traditional PCs with large screens, and can be operated with a mouse and a keyboard, be free.

Microsoft hopes that the new operating system to a powerful competitor status heads on the market was the tablets, in which the current Windows 7 has been beat to Google or Apple platforms.

In the event of the press, the company’s representatives have presented several prototype systems that have run the software, including a tablet, a laptop and a PC all-in-one. The new interface is very much back to the old Windows desktop that Microsoft was based for decades.

The screen displays the application icons and color, similar to those found on Windows 7. Touching a finger icon launches the application and allows it to capture full screen, without the usual Windows menus and scroll bars on the side of the display.

Microsoft has revealed a new platform for software developers, which will be based on HTML 5, Javascript and CSS, to enable them to build applications connected to the web for Windows Internet Explorer 8 and 10.