HTC Omega and HTC Eternity unveils its design some of the cases reached the webIf Samsung, Fujitsu, ZTE and Acer have been clear about future plans for Windows 7 Phone handsets that will launch those from HTC gave us so far only escape. It is here on Omega and Eternity models, which now reveals part of its design, through cases reached on the web.

About HTC Eternity know that you break the record, incorporating a 4.7 inch touch screen and making it less clear distinction between smart phones and tablet. Rumors say that this model could arrive in the fall, has a sign processor core 1.5 GHz, 8-megapixel camera and 16GB internal memory. Obviously Windows Phone Mango will be on board, as in the case of Omega HTC.

Omega would use a 3.8-inch screen and the same 1.5 GHz processor, plus an 8 megapixel photo camera with support for HD capture.