Thanks to Pocketnow we can see and share with you leaked photos/renders of new smartphone called HTC Edge. HTC edge will be really amazing and so powerful mobile phone on the market because it will be powered by Tegra 3 AP30 Quad-Core processor, it means 4 x 1.5 MHz processor. Also, phone will be running on new Android 4 operating system – Ice Cream Sandwich. Other phones features are more common with other HTC smartphones. HTC Edge will have 1 GB of RAM, 8 mexapixels camera (with 28 mm optics) with only one flashlight, but best of all is that Edge will have built-in internal storage of 32 GB which will give you a lots of space for your documents, music, movies and other files. Also, there is bluetooth 4.0 support available on this phone. Edge will have huge 4.7 touch screen with maximal resolution of 540×960 pixels, and will support videos up to 1080p, which is quite impressive for cellphone. You can compare this cellphone to many laptops and tablets currently available at the market, and phone will beat them with its performances. Price of HTC Edge is not known, but release date will be in April 2012.