GScreen SpaceBook a new laptop with two screens of 10.7 inchThis laptop will not ever sell in large volumes, but I know people who would right now preorder. If you ask what you can do with two screens of 17.3 inch full HD resolution, then you are part of your target audience. Many users are often placed in a position to have multiple applications open at once. If we open an office document and retrieve information from the Internet to insert them into it, it’s not pleasant to walk between your office application and browser with Alt + Tab.

GScreen SpaceBook is a laptop that can already be preordered. Displays the horizontal and displays its culisează 1920 x 1080 pixels each. In case we have some pretty high-end components. The manufacturer has chosen the previous-generation processors Core, but so-560M, Core i5 and Core i7-740M are models that do not allow to hard. With 4 GB or 8 GB RAM, two configurations are given and the video card Nvidia GeForce GTS 250 m, 500 GB HDD and a DVD burner.

The price of such a portable laptop, too little, starts 2.395 $ and reaching at $ 2.795 for the model with Intel Core i7.