The Solar Panel is fast becoming one of the most popular forms of alternative energy in the world. It makes use of photovoltaic and silicon solar cells to convert radiation from the sun into power. As you are most likely aware, the start to solar power wasn’t the smoothest process in the world, there were a number of false starts and a limited distribution. However, it is vital that the technology succeeds, after all, as an alternative to the burning of fossil fuels, it ranks pretty highly as being essential to the future of the planet. Unlike other renewable energy forms such as wind and hydropower, it is much easier to integrate it into the home.

The recent rise in popularity is no doubt down to the fact that costs for installation is much cheaper. This is coupled with the fact that it is now more practical to install small and medium sized panels on the sides of buildings. In addition to this, companies are also offering lower fees to use their services, the majority of the profit comes from extended leases as well as various tax credits and deductions that have been put into place.


Those that have solar panels installed benefit from more efficient energy usage. After the initial installation, the prices also work out much cheaper. Whilst coal, gas and oil prices continue to rise, the cost of solar energy seems to be falling. This is now more important than ever as consumers start to look to reduce their usage as opposed to increasing the demand.

It has been presumed that the lowering of solar power prices is going to entice more and more people and businesses into renewable energy. There are a number of solar power panel companies who have large stock at their disposal, and thus they have had to deeply discount it in order to appeal to a market which up until recently was moving rather slowly. In addition to this, businesses are attracted to the potential of saving money due to solar roofs and the green storage of data.

Worldwide Usage

A recent report, courtesy of the International Energy Agency suggests that almost a quarter of energy usage by the year 2050 will be supplied by Solar Power. It also highlighted the fact that various governments are investing in various subsidies to increase solar power expansion, and hopefully get to the point here it can reach the capacity of energy grids, which are of course powered by traditional fossil fuel sources.

In recent years, the United States has enjoyed an average growth of around 40% in solar power usage in residential homes. This is down to the fact that many state incentives have been brought into action. Areas which have a lot of sun have benefitted the most, for example, Florida.

In the United Kingdom, the usage of solar power has certainly expanded. Whilst in the past a lot of the focus was placed in the South West of England, it has now spread pretty rapidly throughout the country. The energy regulator of the UK, OFGEM has stated there has been a steady rise in solar power usage over the years. The country still falls behind other countries in Europe however, with long term installations in Germany, Spain and Belgium, with a number of other solutions being developed in Scandinavian Countries.

China has also been looking into Solar Power Use. In fact, a constantly growing grid system is now being built around major locations in the country. This has meant that it is now one of the world’s leading solar power producers. China is also carrying out a bit of research into solar power, this includes producing more efficient silicon cells to boost energy conversion. This would help out countries such as India with apparently has 5,000 trillion kilowatt capacity in its solar power grid. The future of Solar Power certainly is looking bright.