Recently Google has update Talk application for android to 1.3. Google 1.3 Application supports audio and video calls, but only android 2.3.4 or greater android users can use Talk 1.3. But now you can install Google Talk app to any android device thanks to xda-developers. You only need to remove old version of your Google Talk application and push the new one with adb.

Originally posted by britso
[APP][ROOT] Google Talk 1.3 (Video/Audio)

This is the new Google talk from the Nexus S update yesterday.

Needs: 2.3+ and root.

What I did:
Deodexed, made a one line comment in the smali, recompiled, pushed…works!!!

File edited:

Deleted line (#1141):
invoke-interface {v4}, Lcom/google/android/gtalkservice/IImSession;->logout()V

To install:
adb remount
adb shell mv /system/app/Talk.apk /system/app/Talk.apk1
adb uninstall
adb push /system/lib/
adb push Talk2.apk /system/app