Google Plus previewGoogle recently launched Google + social network where you can join by invitation only. Many entrepreneurs and business owners are waiting for the opportunity to create a business profile.

Google + features:

Circles service, or groups of friends, allow members to differentiate Google + parents of brothers and business associates. Lets you easily sort the people you want to connect.

By Sparks, you can get to articles, videos and contacts you need. It is also an option that you can associate with others and share the same interests. The hangouts can form groups with few close friends or business partners that you can create the appearance of small meetings, a face to face conversation, convenient because you have to move.

Availability of Google + Mobile can offer users more options smartphones, including specifying the location of each post or send photos directly to friends or to online albums. By Huddle, you can send instant messages on the group your smartphone.

Google + should not be confused with Google one. Google is an experimental service that allows those who have a profile on Google to provide a personal point of view about a product or service that I have personally tested.