Google has reached 550,000 Android devices enabled dailyThe American company announced his balance on the second quarter of 2011 and increases are spectacular if we relate to last year. The number of phones and tablets reached 135 million and will be maintained daily number of activations will not exceed milestone of 200 million by the end of the year.

The number of applications available in the Android Market has reached 250,000, and the number of downloads has been raised to 4.5 billion. Shows a rate of 44-45 applications downloaded from the Market for each device. An amount which is excellent compared to the competition.

2nd quarter of 2011 has been great for Google and not only in terms of its mobile operating system. Revenue increased by 32% over the period of 2010 Inns at 9.03 billion dollars. It will be interesting to say about Google + over the coming weeks. It seems that this time they found a recipe winners reaching over 10 million profiles were created. Most are male and must find a way to make them interested and on women.