Continuous Ink Jet (CIJ), the technology is a conductive ink to form a continuous closed. Ink piezoelectric resonator to form a stable, continuous and steady stream of small droplets of ink. Those power-oriented inkjet droplets on the substrate in a particular region or a diversion ditch back of the head. Continuous ink system is divided into two types. Binary, every drop of point surface printing inks that must be addressed, tilt type, every drop of ink droplets can be placed on the surface of printing a few points

CIJ CIJ technology, key features technology is especially suitable for high speed printing, each nozzle capacity of 62,000 drops per second. This can lead to a distance of 5 m seeing pictures of fine enough resolution. What other liquid-based ink for inkjet printer technology is different. CIJ inkjet printer ink can be a continuous viscosity monitoring and control to ensure that  to print the same color quality.

The rise in prices is due to the use of a constant flow nozzles, and drive your sub using CIJ technology price of inkjet printers and inkjet printers using other technologies have a relatively higher price, but final production cost is very low.

CIJ inkjet printer can be used to solvents, low viscosity ink, so you can use a variety of media and printing ink without the need for media to match. And it needs to dry so you can save much time and energy and allows the system to reduce wear and tear.

CIJ and the advantages of large format printing
area CIJ printing and other printing technology compared to many practical and economic advantages. High-speed jet nozzle droplets away from the moment the media to ensure greater accuracy of output. Use a large format inkjet, or small wrinkles or melt the material  prepress dip (pre-wells) or pre-joints, where the average capacity is critical.

CIJ inkjet printer operating costs are very low? Printing cost per square foot of required supplies (ink and solvent), usually from 0.977 to 2.045 dollars. If a coil can be used in CIJ printing substrate such factors into account the high cost performance is visible.

CIJ inkjet printing substrates such as paper, used for pre-lighting and backlighting of ethylene, PVC, mesh PVC, scaffolding nets, nylon, panaflex, Tyvek, eyes, canvas, carpet and other fabrics. This large increase in the use of CIJ printing machine works on the scope and nature.

CIJ Inkjet printers can be fast and stable image quality of colors, including clear text and the edge of the net (crispline art).

Use another printing technology, as many nozzles are blocked or skewed  nozzles must be changed frequently. Because the supply of spare parts, so their costs should be included in any particular, the direct cost of print jobs. NURBlueboard CIJ nozzle of the inkjet printing machine is stable and durable components that can change the humidity and temperature environment for the poor and reliable reference work. In many industrial applications, CIJ technology has proved very reliable technology, the most strenuous and rapid implementation of the project. In addition to inkjet printers in addition to the production assembly line of CIJ (productionlines makingin) and large-scale printing, including lotteries, postal labels, access control and more.