BlackBerry Colt
If QNX OS platform has been associated with lack of basic features of BlackBerry PlayBook tablet, well operating system was quite advanced enough to merit full attention of those of RIM. After all, this OS is going to almost all modern BlackBerry phone models, it seems that the first BlackBerry phone QNX will be Colt.
BlackBerry Colt was confirmed for release in early 2012, and the news comes just after RIM has launched the first phone with BB OS 7.0. Know that it is a rebranding version 7.0 to 6.1, because the Canadian wished to hasten the arrival of QNX.
BlackBerry comes with a Colt single core processor, probably 1, 1.2 or 1.5 GHz, 512 MB RAM, enough memory to user needs. Do not expect to escape on this model too soon, since he will only appear next year. Until then we may see a change of ownership shares RIM especially after recent evidence on Google.