If there is one thing that has changed the way that we do business in recent years, it is video conferencing. We have the ability to ‘conference’ no matter where we are, the function is built into our computers, or phones, and even our tablet computers. However, many businesses are very reluctant to introduce video conferencing. This a shame really, it is now cheaper than ever, and it can really bring huge benefits to your company.

Reduced Travel Costs

This is perhaps one of the biggest benefits of video conferencing. Imagine how much money you would spend traverse from meeting to meeting. It doesn’t bear thinking about does it? With video conferencing you can stay wherever you are, even if it is on the other side of the world, and interact with potential customers, or even your employees.

Increases Productivity

Video Conferencing has really benefitted from technology advances in recent years. Now you have the ability to share files, computer screens and a lot of other things during your video chat. As a result, this is going to increase productivity even if you aren’t in the office, or perhaps if you have multiple working for you who aren’t located close to one another.

Connecting teams Employees

If you run a business then chances are your employees are spread over numerous locations, sometimes this can traverse different countries. Of course, you don’t have the budget to bring them together and interact. So why not introduce video conferencing? Everybody in the business can interact and feel like a team, and once again, this is going to be a major benefit for your company.

Helps with Work-Life Balance

Sometimes you just need to get away from the office. If you get ‘burned out’ then the company is going to suffer as a result. Video Conferencing allows you to stay at home, whilst at the same time still retain some degree of control over your company. This gives you the ability to ‘recuperate’ without your business suffering as a result.

Improves Effectiveness

This point may not apply to all businesses. But consider this, what is going to be more time consuming, explaining a problem over the phone, or showing you in real time in a video link? Again, this is going to tie in with productivity, and your business is going to run that much smoother.

Reinforces Personality

This is a major point. A key part of sales is building up a ‘relationship’ with the customer. With a standard telephone call, much of this personality is lost. However, with video conferencing the ability to display emotions is retained. I am sure that as a result you would generate a lot more business from your clients. This is more than worth the cost of video conferencing.

Saves Time        

Need a problem that needs to be discussed there and then? Then you can use a video conferencing system. It is almost instantaneous and you can discuss the problem without having to wait for people to travel to you. Everything in your business goes much quicker, and thus it is more productive as a result.