Let’s be honest, as a business you will want to minimize costs as much as possible. After all, isn’t that what business is about, maximizing revenue and reducing expenses? One of the best ways in which you can earn money for your company is through webinar hosting, however this can end up working out to be a fairly expensive proposition if you are not careful. In this article we are going to take a look at five ways in which you can cut costs with your webinar hosting.

Shop Around

You will be surprised at how often people don’t shop around for webinar hosting. Due to the rise in popularity of webinars, there is now a plethora of hosting providers out there. The more providers there are, the cheaper prices get because all the companies are trying to compete with each other. Don’t jump on the first hosting provider you can find, instead, shop around and take a look at maybe five or so. Look at the features they offer, and purchase based on whether it is cost effective or not. Remember not to go too cheap though, this could end up costing you more money in the long run!

Don’t Over Purchase

Be honest with yourself about how many people could potentially attend your webinar. Perhaps one of the biggest mistakes people make is ‘over estimating’ how many people will arrive. As a result they buy ‘participant slots’ and ‘bandwidth’ that they don’t really need to. This will mean everything becomes much more expensive. As a way to combat this, you should hold a ‘survey’ or maybe even book people in, that way you get an idea of how many spaces you need.

Only Opt for a Provider that has Features you Need

Many webinar hosting providers tend to advertise incredibly glamorous features in order to entice potential customers to use their services. However, you should always consider whether you are going to use these features or not, you will be paying for them in your hosting package after all. My tip here is to find a reliable hosting provider that only offers the features that you need, and not too much more. That way you won’t be paying for something that you don’t end up using.

Look at the Packages

Are you going to be running webinars frequently? If so, you might want to look into a package option. Some of the major webinar hosts out there offer ‘packages’ for webinars, basically that means you are paying for a set amount of webinars each month, as opposed to a fixed cost for one. Whilst this tip is only going to benefit companies that run a lot of webinars, it is a good way to save money on your hosting bill.

Group Up with Someone to Host your Webinar

Why not consider a Joint Venture with somebody in the same industry? You can split the costs of hosting, and have even more people to sell your services and deliver your message to. Everybody wins!