With the advent of 3D printing technology to the limits of design and protocols have changed. Traditional protocols for engineering and design work required for a long time between stages of development. 3D printer technology has significantly reduced the required steps. Prior to the development of 3D prototyping technology to print a lot of man hours to produce a working prototype, and each time was multiplied by the change in the original plan had to be done. This added to the cost of product development and delayed the movement of goods to the next stage of development. The teams design, 3D printing technology saves time and energy to produce prototypes and design changes implementation.

3D printer prototypes

3D printer prototype testing

3D printer prototypes

3D technology printing has many advantages for the production of prototypes. The conceptual stage of the investigation of technology to improve production speed, cost and simplicity. 3D printing system using a rapid prototype technology to improve the design process, providing three-dimensional model. 3D printing system produces a real model for what can be viewed and manipulated by designers at different stages of the development process, which helps engineers to facilitate upgrades and improvements to the original. Compared with the 3D printer, the usual methods of production prototypes are time consuming, costly and must be repeated, even the smallest change is in the design. Using 3D printing system to improve product design is more efficient and cut a lot of free time in different stages of product development.

3D printer can help reduce the bottom line cost of research and development, prototyping process by facilitating . Product development is expensive and original design and construction are able to add significant costs to the project. Several design changes, failure to meet deadlines, and only add to the final result at the expense of retooling the manufacturing process. Using the 3D printer to enhance the design process and reduce costs, where the design changes to be made by eliminating many of the costs associated with the production of prototypes. With 3D printing further retooling or redesign is necessary because the changes should be made only in computer-aided design software. The whole process of creating, modifying and prototyping using 3D printing technology has improved.

3D printer prototype testing

3D printing technology would help in the process of prototype testing, original effective and sensitive manner. By redesigning the retooling and re-create the original  took a long time, a 3D printing system can be re a prototype ready for the next phase of a much shorter time, the conventional method. Testing often requires redesigning products and again to enjoy rapid technology such as 3D printers, testing can proceed on schedule and without undue delay and expense. It is not often that a product is able to survive in the testing phase of product development without design changes. 3D printer enables designers and engineers to use advanced technology to your advantage and create better products.

product testing is an important step in developing new products, and 3D printing system can increase the pilot phase and make the results more effective. Because the 3D printer to reduce testing costs for the process can be so much better. Nobody wants to be the one who controls the product, after having spent a substantial amount of money in it.  as 3D printing technology continues to advance product development and testing phase, everyone will benefit from technology. If the company can reduce cost of research and development using 3D printing technology, everyone will benefit from the savings. Or the savings in testing, designing and producing new products are always on the buyer of these products.