Speaking of 3D printing technologies, established during this period, some aspects of printing, which should be addressed. It is – i) three-dimensional printing and 3-D printers, ii) other types of rapid prototyping technology, stereolithography, selective laser sintering and fused deposition modeling  and, finally, iii) immediate protection of engineering and development activities.

There were several projects in different companies or groups who have brought revolutionary changes in printing technology. They are summarized here.

· RepRap 3d printing quality development: RepRap is a project that has developed a 3D printing technology, and went a step further develop the technology index. They presented photos door handles, which are made at different times on different printing technologies. The photographs showed a significant difference between texture and dimension of the printing of print.

º 2007 Extreme Design Contest, the challenge was the dimension of 3D printing, where there were several people who have made 3D models of their design, such as Brain lamp.  There were also many students who have created their own 3D Extreme Challenge under the name of the project. The students presented a variety of 3D-printed models, such as blinds for the Rubix Cube and design a solar desalination unit.

° Nanofactory printing technologies 3D, which related to nanotechnology. Nanofactory is actually the ultimate expression of different possibilities of nanotechnology. Thus, the use of nanotechnology experts have developed a 3D printing technology, which is known for its accuracy and quality.

° 3D Systems Corporation, a leading provider of 3D images and models, introduced a rapid prototyping and Manufacturing solutions. The company said the new V-Flash Desktop Modeler that have created a revolutionary new 3D printing is the ideal high-quality prints, with three-dimensional feel. The new product has the ability to construct three-dimensional printing  a short time and is useful for large numbers of people belonging to different professions. This helps designers, students, hobbyists and engineers for printing on paper and your imagination and create your own design ideas of your offices.

There are several 3D printers on the market, which is designed so that users have a simple usable printers and manufacturers must ensure that the process is simpler and more users are comfortable and familiar with the basic factor for 3D printing.